Jane Seymour, Caught In The Arnold Schwarzenegger Firestorm, Tries To Clear The Air.

In the wake of the Arnold Schwarzenegger media frenzy, it seems less people were surprised about Arnold’s crazy behavior than they were about controversial statements made by actress Jane Seymour.

 After the Schwarzenegger scandal broke, naturally, entertainment journalists on the red carpets were called to find any celebrity who might be willing to go on record about it. CNN  quoted Jane Seymour’s alleged remarks while at a movie premiere. It wasn’t a stretch to ask her about it…she was promoting “Love, Wedding, Marriage,”a comedy in which Seymour plays the wife of man who had an affair years ago and has son who is 25. (A little familiar!)

They reported that Seymour spoke of the scandal: “I was not even remotely surprised … “The moment I heard it, that there was an announcement of their separation—he was obviously jumping the gun before everyone else told the world of the news,” she said. “I heard about two more children. I met someone who knows him well … From what I gather there will be lots of information coming people’s way.”

Not so shockingly, the statements spread like a wildfire… and now she’s backtracking.

TheWrap has followed up with Seymour who claims the whole thing was a major misquote:

“I was highly and purposely misquoted by the press … It pains me enormously.”

According to TheWrap, she did say she was not surprised and regrets making any remark at all.

“I obviously said the wrong thing – I don’t think anyone’s really surprised… I feel terribly sorry for Maria and the kids. It must be incredibly hard, particularly for the children… In retrospect, going down that press line, I should have just shut my mouth and said nothing.”

The more she says, the less that seems like a reaction to being misquoted than a case of backtracking. All that said, I don’t think anyone is going to hold it against Seymour for calling Schwarzenegger out. Despite her new take on the story, I don’t think it will do much to make the media leave her alone. If anything, now they’re hungry for more!

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1 Comment

  • If Jane Seymour is right then Arnold Schwarzenegger should just come clean and give out the number of kids he fathered, get this behind him and make some “low brow” movies, the only thing he was somewhat good at. Because as a Governor, he was a huge failure, thanks “John and Ken” from KFI 640 AM radio losers for getting him elected and the fools that voted for him. I least he is out of office unlike Louisiana Senator, David “Diaper Boy” Vitter, who paid for his wants.

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