VIRAL VIDEO: Cat Has Hilarious Way of Waking Up Owners

The owners of this funny cat "Boo" have found a built-in alarm clock in the little guy. According to the owners, at around 5am, Boo gets lonely, and a closed bedroom door isn't going to stop him from getting their attention. Watch to video to see what he does.

The owners of this funny cat “Boo” have found a built-in alarm clock in the little guy.


According to the owners, at around 5am, Boo gets lonely, and a closed bedroom door isn’t going to stop him from getting their attention. Watch to video to see what he does. The video has spread like wildfire.

Uploader Wesley explains: “He doesn’t do it because he’s hungry, he does it because he feels lonely. When he flicks the door stop it scares the crap out of us and we wake up right away.”

For more viral videos, follow @brianbalthazar on twitter!

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1 Comment

  • We loved this!!!Again animals are smarter then most people.Please keep these videos coming.

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