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HILARIOUS VIDEO: Haunted Toaster Interview On TODAY Show, 1985

An old taped spot from the Today Show in 1985 has gone viral. It's from a Boyd Matson spot on crazy tabloid stories. Below, the toaster part of the story, and below that, the WHOLE story, which also features a guy who claims he was rescued from an icy lake by his Howdy Doody puppet.

“MUSIC” VIDEO: Move Over, Rebecca Black, The Song “It’s Thanksgiving” Is NOT TO BE BELIEVED.

There's yet ANOTHER new 'pop" 'song' out that will have you groaning, laughing, and singing along incredulously. "It's Thanksgiving" is brought to you by the guy who wrote and produced "Friday" - and it's even more ridiculous. With inane lyrics about stuffing, all the holidays and which month they fall in, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll forward it around.