NEW YEAR’S EVE Gets a Trailer, With Every Actor…Ever

We’ve seen ensemble movies like this before:  PARIS, JE T’AIME, NEW YORK I LOVE YOU, VALENTINE’S DAY.

And now, we get NEW YEAR’S EVE.

The new trailer was released today, and I have no clue how they’re going to cram all these huge actors in here.  The cast includes Robert De Niro, Ashton Kutcher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hilary Swank, Lea Michele, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vergara, Jessica Biel, Sarah Jessica Parker, Katherine Heigl, Zac Efron, Sienna Miller, Josh Duhamel, Ice Cube, Jon Bon Jovi, Seth Meyes, Til Schweiger, Halle Berry and Carla Gugino.

Yeah…that’s a lot.

Take a look at the trailer below.  I find it a little strange seeing Kutcher and Biel in basically the same movie as VALENTINE’S DAY in different roles…but we’ll see how it all works out.  Maybe it’ll bring a smile to your face.

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