VIDEO: iPhone’s “Siri” VS “Furby”

Keep in mind that 20 years ago if you said "iPhone's Siri VS Furby" no one would have known what the hell you were talking about. In this new viral video, talking toy Furby has a 'conversation' with the iPhone's voice recognition employing assistant Siri. At one point, the phone interprets something Furby says as "Kill her."

Keep in mind that 20 years ago if you said “iPhone’s Siri VS Furby” no one would have known what the hell you were talking about. In this new viral video, talking toy Furby has a ‘conversation’ with the iPhone’s voice recognition employing assistant Siri. At one point, the phone interprets something Furby says as “Kill her”  which is all the clues we need that someday these machines will take over the earth and we’ll all be dead. Until then, enjoy hearing them face off.

For more mindless videos, and entertainment news, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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