PIC: Another Dad Gets Facebook Justice On His Kid.

Yet another parent has gotten revenge on their kid for getting too cocky on facebook. In this case, the teen had used some grandiose 'street' talk to describe himself. The father happened to walk by and see his kid's facebook account open, and had a little fun at his son's expense. And again, justice is served. The picture speaks for itself:

Yet another parent has gotten revenge on their kid for getting too cocky on facebook. In this case, the teen had used some grandiose ‘street’ talk to describe himself. The father happened to walk by and see his kid’s facebook account open, and had a little fun at his son’s expense. And again, justice is served. The picture speaks for itself. Scroll down for a screengrab of what dad did!!

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If you’re looking for the dad who went nuts on his daughter and posted an epic confrontation video, CLICK HERE.

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