VIDEO: Actress Loses Twenty Years Of Aging With Great Retouching Software

Soon, everyone will want this. Check out the remarkably convincing age reduction of actress Michele Valley. 20 years of aging, gone.

Celebrity Age ReductionSoon, everyone will want this. Check out the remarkably convincing age reduction of actress Michele Valley. 20 years of aging, gone.

A short piece of work digital compositor artist & visual effects editor Rousselos Aravantinos is going viral, not just because it’s so good, but likely also because of the inevitable effect the technology has on the future not only of film, but once it becomes more easily accessible and executable, (which is always the next wave) the future of selfies and photography on social media.Using technology called Nuke from @TheFoundryTeam and Mocha’s @imagineersystem, he literally takes 20 years off of her.

While it’s easier to focus on a more sedentary subject, this is only going to become more prevalent in films in the future, and is already in practice for many actresses, often at great cost. A source close to the Sex and The City actresses told me of the significant extent of the retouching that went into promos for the series when it appeared on TBS. I’m not complaining or pointing any fingers. I am hopeful to be the recipient of some hearty retouching in the future.

Let’s also give a shout out to Michele Valley. I’m not sure how easy it is to see yourself this way, side by side.

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