Catholic Bishop Approves iPhone Confession App. This Is Not A Joke.

This is in TIME Magazine people… Although it seems just as likely you could read something like this in The Onion. Apparently, according to Reuters, a new Roman Catholic App is approved for use among the churchgoing set. Wait – I guess it’s more for the NON-churchgoing set, since if they were at church, they wouldn’t just be able to confess, you know, the traditional way. The article claims it has already drawn someone back to the church that had strayed two decades ago:

“Protected by a password, the app invites users to examine their consciences and confess to their sins. But it won’t replace the old-school booth. The app, which costs $1.99, just goes through the motions of confession, but churchgoers must see a priest for absolution.”
FYI – The Vatican is actually on Twitter (although the account has not been verified) … and they haven’t tweeted since May.