Paris Hilton Stalker Just Won’t Stop…Arrested Again

I guess guys really likes Paris Hilton…

According to The Daily Mail (via Us Weekly), police arrested yet another almost-intruder looking into Hilton’s Malibu beach house over the holiday weekend.

James Rainford was taken into custody on yesterday after he was spotted trying to look inside the heiress’ home.  However, it certainly wasn’t his first time there…

Rainford was the same man who attacked Hilton’s ex-boyfriend, Cy Waits, outside of an L.A. courthouse in April. Ironically enough, the two were at the courthouse to testify against another intruder, who was recently sentenced to two years in prison.  And before that, he was on probation after trespassing on Hilton’s property last October.

One witness told the site,

“He was hanging around on the beach while Paris was inside…Someone recognized him as being the man who had given her trouble in the past and the cops arrived pretty quickly.”

According to a statement released by the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department,

“Deputies identified the suspect as James Rainford and determined a valid restraining order prohibiting him from being within 200 yards of Miss Hilton or her residence was in effect.”

Rainford is now being held on $20,000 bail.

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