HEARTBREAKING AND UPLIFTING: 16 Year Old With Brain Cancer Sings Katy Perry’s “Roar”. Katy Perry Responds.

Brace yourself. This one is emotional. 16 year old Olivia Wise is in the late stages of brain cancer. Even though she can no longer stand or breathe well, she seized the opportunity to record Katy Perry's song. "Roar." The musicians that produced it put a beautifully composed instrumental track underneath her vocals. The result is an emotional performance that will touch you deeply.

Olivia WiseBrace yourself. This one is emotional. 

16 year old Olivia Wise is in the late stages of brain cancer. Even though she can no longer stand or breathe well,  she seized the opportunity to record Katy Perry’s song. “Roar.” The musicians that produced it put a beautifully composed instrumental track underneath her vocals. The result is an emotional performance that will touch you deeply.

Olivia’s video has gone viral in the three weeks that is has been posted. Her courage and bravery is remarkable. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

In a wonderful development, Katy Perry herself responded to the video… that is also posted below.

I lost my mother to brain cancer (among other cancers) so I will admit that it has a special meaning to me.

Here is the video, and below that, the backstory.

Below is what is written on the youtube post:

To donate to the Liv Wise Fund: http://www.livwisefund.com
Olivia Wise has Brain Cancer. She came into a recording studio for her first time and recorded the Katy Perry song Roar. She couldn’t walk or stand, she didn’t have her full breath or the energy she used to, and she was managing her new pains and new limitations. While her physical condition was rapidly fading, her spirit remained untouched.

Olivia is a fighter and has gone through the fire, in fact, she was going through the fire while she recorded this song, but you wouldn’t know it, because she was dancing right through it. She is an inspiration, a champion, and my hero. This is her Roar.

To donate to the Liv Wise Fund:http://my.sickkidsdonations.com/perso…
or Phone 416-813-5320

Thanks to Jon Levine and Matt Marek.

Love you Liv,


Here is Katy Perry’s response:

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