Ft. Worth filmmaker Jennifer Brown Thomas is among the rare authors directing and writing her own novel’s film adaptation. The result, Blissful Lies, focuses on...
Imagine living in a world where slapping someone across the face was not only acceptable, it was expected. That seems to be the case in the world of "Dallas" - both the original, and the new revamped version coming to TNT on June 13th. Some old favorite castmembers are back, including Larry Hagman, who hasn't trimmed his eyebrows since his last time on the series.
Dallas, the hit series that debuted on CBS in 1978 and ran 14 seasons is back... For real this time. While the flick was initially entertained as a possible project for the silver screen starring John Travolta and Jennifer Lopez, it is now headed to TNT next summer, with several of the original cast... including Larry Hagman, Patrick Duffy and Linda Gray.