VIDEO: David Hasselhoff Dons Cheerleading Outfit, Crashes Limo… Crazy or Cool?
In today’s edition of “Crazy Or Cool?” – David Hasselhoff is apparently cool enough – or crazy enough – to do anything. In a series of videos promoting a downloadable video game Burnout Crash!, he dresses up in a cheerleader outfit, then in another he dresses up as a chicken. A clever marketing campaign on the part of the makers (we’re writing about it, after all,) the ‘cheerleader’ is one of the moves you can use to destroy cars. Hasselhoff is
the obvious casting choice willing to dress up as one, so why not? Watch the videos, then decide – is Hasselhoff crazy? Or cool?
The game is available for Playstation or the Kinect.
For more CRAZY or COOL? celebrities, follow @Brian Balthazar on Twitter!