Ashton Kutcher Entertaining All the Girls In His Hometown

Oh, how great it must be to be famous and go home for Thanksgiving…

According to the new Us Weekly, Mr. Ashton Kutcher was back in his hometown of Iowa City, Iowa for the Thanksgiving weekend, and the newly single man had all the attention he wanted from the local women.

The 33-year-old ex Mr. Demi Moore visited Iowa City bars Bo James and Sports Column. A source says that Ashton “was drinking beer, and girls kept coming up to him…He loved the attention. Girls were hugging him and shaking his hand.”

Three days later, Kutcher was seen at Summit Bar downing beer and shots.  Another source says that Kutcher “was swarmed by girls…A few tried to convince him to go to a strip club — but he declined!”

Just because Ashton was getting all the attention from the ladies, however, doesn’t mean he didn’t appreciate the simpler things.  Kutcher tweeted a photo of himself with the caption, “Country giving”, staring at the camera in front of a field with a cow in it.

The finer things in life…

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