I know what you’re thinking, why are we talking about dishwashing on POPgoesTheWeek? I get it. And no, this is not sponsored, this is a work of passion!

Here’s the backstory – over the holidays, a group of friends found ourselves in an impassioned dialogue began over the ‘right’ way to load a dishwasher. (I know, proof positive we are not in our twenties anymore.) We found that generally speaking, there are two types of people – those that are precise, like they’re playing tetris – and those that leave a pile of dishes less organizes than dirty laundry. Those organized, precise folks tend to re-organize and reload the work of their partners and spouses, and it can result in some very real dish-putes. (Groan. I know.)

So, out of fascination, and partly to prove myself right, (I’m not afraid to admit it) I reached out to Cascade, because I had heard that they have a test lab of DOZENS of dishwashers, the ability to change all sorts of factors like water hardness and composition, you name it. The lab is Wonka-level wild. So, I reached out, they replied, and the result is the story.

(Incidentally, this is NOT a sponsored post! I just figure, why not go to the industry leader? When you hear how much they know and what they do, you’ll get it…)


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Full disclosure, I could have spoken with Senior Scientist Morgan Eberhard for HOURS. She is next level knowledgeable and you can tell she’s fun to be around. But I digress. Hope you enjoyed the spot!


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