Kiefer Sutherland Could Have Been Robin In Tim Burton’s BATMAN!

Many have said that one of the biggest downfalls of Joel Schulmacher's BATMAN films (and there were many...) was the incorporation of Robin. But could you imagine how Robin would have looked if he were incorporated into Tim Burton's versions? Apparently a lot like Kiefer Sutherland!

Many have said that one of the biggest downfalls of Joel Schulmacher’s BATMAN films (and there were many…) was the incorporation of Robin.  But could you imagine how Robin would have looked if he were incorporated into Tim Burton’s BATMAN?  Apparently, a lot like Kiefer Sutherland!

According to Worst Previews, Sutherland says in a new interview that when the film was first being produced, there was a heavily favored script floating around with Robin at the caped crusader’s side.  And he got a call for the role:

“I’d just finished ‘Stand By Me’ and ‘Young Guns’ about the time that Warner Bros were making the first ‘Batman’ film with Michael Keaton, and I got a call which asked me if I would be interested in playing Robin…I was like: ‘As in Robin with tights? No!'”

Sutherland says that in the end, he wishes someone out there were willing to tell his young, naive, self what he was turning down:

“I didn’t realize they were going to make the coolest movie ever. They didn’t have a Robin in the end, but I was only 19, so my agent could have helped me out a bit on that one.”

I, for one, and happy that Robin wasn’t around to poison Burton’s vision.  I’m not sure how the boy in tights would have worked with Nicholson’s Joker.

It would have been pretty interesting to witness, though…

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