New “Arrested Development” Episodes Are For US Fans Only…For Now…

"Arrested Development" fans have been ecstatic to hear that their show was coming back for another ten episodes, as well as a movie. Sadly, if you are outside of the US, you're going to have to wait a little longer for it all.
“Arrested Development” fans have been ecstatic to hear that their show was coming back for another ten episodes, as well as a movie.  Sadly, if you are outside of the US, you’re going to have to wait a little longer for it all.
Steve Swasey, vice-president of Corporate Communications at Netflix, told the National Post in a new interview that “the return of ‘Arrested Development’ exclusively on Netflix will be in the US only.” That basically means that if you’re outside of the 50 states,  you’re going to have to wait for the eventual DVD to be released in your area.

Swasey also confirmed that all ten new episodes will appear on Netflix on the same day, as previously reported.

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