Is James Cameron Going To Make Three AVATAR Sequels At Once?!

Anybody who has been following the world of Pandora knows that James Cameron has been planning to shoot AVATAR 2 and 3 simultaneously over the next few years. Well how would you feel if I told you Cameron was aiming to shoot AVATAR 2,3, AND 4?!

Anybody who has been following the world of Pandora knows that James Cameron has been planning to shoot AVATAR 2 and 3 simultaneously over the next few years.  Well how would you feel if I told you Cameron was aiming to shoot AVATAR 2,3, AND 4?!

Showbiz411 is reporting that Sigourney Weaver’s upcoming schedule has room not just for two AVATAR sequels, but for three.  As per the site:

“When ‘Political Animals’ finishes shooting, see if you can follow Weaver’s schedule: she goes right into a new Christopher Durang play for a short run at Lincoln Center. Then she films ‘Avatar’ 2, 3, and 4 with James Cameron. That’s right: they’re making three sequels to the blue 3D phenom all at the same time. Weaver says she has no idea how long it will take, or how it’s going to work. ‘I just show up,’ she said.”

So the question is, while AVATAR is the number one grossing film of all time, does it warrant three sequels?  We’ve seen so many trilogies play out to dismal results due to the green light after just part one…could a part two through a part four really live up to such a hype?

Let us know what you think!

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