Did Shia LaBeouf Make a Sex Tape To Audition For NYMPHOMANIAC?

Shia LaBeouf may have revealed himself to be a method actor...but is making a sex tape going too far?

Shia LaBeouf may have revealed himself to be a method actor…but is making a sex tape going too far?

After recently revealing that he not only got drunk on moonshine for LAWLESS and took acid for THE NECESSARY DEATH OF CHARLIE COUNTRYMAN, LaBeouf told Chelsea Handler on Chelsea Lately that he made a real sex tape of himself and his girlfriend, stylist Karolyn Pho, as auditions for Lars Von Trier’s NYMPHOMANIAC:

“I sent him videotapes of me and my girlfriend having sex, and that’s how I got the job.”

While this could have been just a joke, it’s not something that would be put past an actor who had just admitted to taking acid…especially when the movie in question will have “real unsimulated sex”…

So the question is…do you think LaBeouf was just joking, or is there really a sex tape floating around out there?

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