Family Photos Gone Wrong! Check Out The Hilariously Bad Retouching And Mom’s Priceless Response.


Every family loves having a family photo to capture a moment in time, a snapshot of the bond and love between its members… and as the years pass, those moments in time become are looked back on with fond memories.

But Pam Zaring had no idea just how memorable her family photos would be. She paid a photographer about $250 for a photo session, but the day of the outdoor sitting happened to be very sunny, and the direct sunlight created harsh shadows on their faces. The photographer, afraid of disappointing the Zaring family, admitted she had never had photoshop training, but did her best to remove those harsh shadows. This is the result.

Far from bitter, Zaring posted the photos, claiming the photos are actually a fantastic memory she actually loves, for the sheer hilarity of it all. Recollecting the photographer’s explanation, “She said the shadows were really bad on the beautiful, clear, sunny day and that her professor never taught her to retouch photos,” Zaring writes. “Feel free to share, I literally have not laughed this hard in YEARS!!!!!”

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