Take the adorable Chubbs, the most affable pug you can imagine, trick him out in extra fur, horns, and a doll. Film him in the desert and you've got an epic Star Wars scene on your hands.
In their own words, these two teens were driving in circles, listening to Led Zeppelin when they made a shocking discovery: a house was on fire. From there, they sprung into action, and became the best local news eye-witnesses of the week.
Ever since "David After Dentist," it seems no parent ever allows a person to come out of anesthesia without having a video camera rolling first. In this case, little Matt is waking up from arm surgery. Somehow he woke up as a street smart tough talking kid whose dizzy.
At first, this video seems so peaceful. The cameraperson capturing a moment of tranquility as deer sit peacefully in London's Richmond Park. Suddenly, the mood changes.
You probably know by now, I can't get enough of dogs. Check out this cute one that would prefer to play fetch with his master, but isn't above doing it himself.
Watch the hilarity/adorableness unfold as Rita and Frank try to pose for a still photo - but get confused when they never hear a 'camera click' sound. Watch further as they try and diagnose the problem, and pose again.