VIRAL VIDEO: Matt After Arm Surgery… And The Trend of “Coming Out Of Sedation” Videos.

Ever since "David After Dentist," it seems no parent ever allows a person to come out of anesthesia without having a video camera rolling first. In this case, little Matt is waking up from arm surgery. Somehow he woke up as a street smart tough talking kid whose dizzy.

Ever since “David After Dentist,” it seems no parent ever allows a person to come out of anesthesia without having a video camera rolling first. In this case, little Matt is waking up from arm surgery. Somehow he woke up as a street smart tough talking kid whose dizzy.


Looks like this new form of video voyeurism is paying off for this family – who has gotten nearly half a million views in four days.

A little hunting on youtube reveals that coming out of anesthesia (or acting funny from painkillers) is something of a trend online now. (See below for some of them!) So why are we obsessed with “Coming Out Of Sedation” or similar? First, there’s an inherent amusement at seeing someone whose inhibitions are completely broken down. Who doesn’t get a voyeuristic kick out of seeing someone who could or would say just about anything that’s on their mind? There’s a suspenseful thrill in seeing the silliness that might result or the crazy things that might be said. Even more so when the ‘victim’ is an adult – they tend to have more at stake if they get too loose lipped. Maybe it’s that – or maybe we’re embracing the adolescent in us who enjoys seeing someone else act stupid.

Secondly – there’s actually MONEY in having a video like this go viral! The family behind David After Dentist won’t reveal how much they’ve made off the video, (which has gotten more than 100 million hits) other than to say they’ve gotten more than six figures in payout. NOT too shabby.

For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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