Rebecca Black’s New Single “Person Of Interest” Debuts, Disappoints.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not out to ruin aspiring pop star Rebecca Black's day. But her new single is unsurprisingly awful, and not in a funny, viral way. Then there's the video. Why do producers mistakenly believe we want our music videos to feature young people having fun in go-karts? Did we learn nothing from Avril Lavigne?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not out to ruin aspiring pop star Rebecca Black’s day. But her new single is unsurprisingly awful, and not in a funny, viral way. Then there’s the video. Why do producers mistakenly believe we want our music videos to feature young people having fun in go-karts? Did we learn nothing from Avril Lavigne?

Black, who brought assaulted us with the catchy, funny phenomoenon “Friday,” then returned with “My Moment.” Now, this song, which is part of a ‘full’ collection of songs on a new album, fails to capture the notoriety and zing that Black had before. The teen had managed to wrangle a sort of ‘so bad it’s good’ level of appreciation from some listeners, while managing an innocent bubblegum simplicity attractive to younger ones. (or at least their moms.) 

The video is innocent enough, but sadly boring. The lyrics are worse:

When we’re dancing real close think I like ya.

When the lights go down low I can’t find ya

Now I can’t get you out of my mind ya

It’s a crime ya

It’s a crime.


Um, the crime is the song. And the music video. Someone somewhere once came up with the idea that viewers would want to watch a singer riding aroung in go carts for their video. (See Avril Lavigne’s “Complicated”) and now, Black is doing the same. It’s just a reminder that this is a poor imitation. It’s as though the song and the video were recorded in a mall, and she was able to go pick up her music video on VHS after killing time for an hour at the food court.

Again, not trying to hate on this young woman trying to make it, but she needs something better than this if she is going to extend her 15 minutes.

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