“Mad Men” to End Not in the 60s, But in Today’s Age…

Fans of "Mad Men", get ready to have your mind blown: we know how the show is going to end.

Fans of “Mad Men”, get ready to have your mind blown: we know how the show is going to end.

According to a new interview with Grantland.com show mastermind Matthew Weiner, says that he wants the journey of Don Draper to finish not in the 60s, but today:

“What I’m looking for, and how I hope to end the show, is like…it’s 2011…Don Draper would be 84 right now. I want to leave the show in a place where you have an idea of what it meant and how it’s related to you.”

Weiner says that the ending came to him a while back, and in the realm of a life journey, it made perfect sense:

“It came to me in the middle of last season. I always felt like it would be the experience of human life. And human life has a destination. It doesn’t mean Don’s gonna die.”

Weiner says that to finish the show after seven seasons will be hard to get right, but he compares it to what many feel is a full musical masterpiece: The Beatles’ “Abbey Road”

“It’s a very tall order, but I always talk about Abbey Road…What’s the song at the end of Abbey Road? It’s called ‘The End.’ There is a culmination of an experience of people working at their highest level.”

The fifth season of “Mad Men” is scheduled to premiere in March.

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