Stephen Colbert Is Heading To “The Office”!

America! Get ready! Stephen Colbert is hanging up his political commentary for one night and heading to “The Office”!

America!  Get ready!  Stephen Colbert is hanging up his political commentary for one night and heading to “The Office”!

NBC News has announced that the “Colbert Report” host will be guest starring as a singer named Broccoli Rob (yeah, that just happened…) who used to be in Andy’s a capella group, Here Comes Treble.

Get ready to laugh at the ridiculousness of Broccoli Rob when the Halloween-themed episode hits air on October 25.

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1 Comment

  • This is the best Office-related news I’ve heard in a long time. I gave up on this show forever ago, but I might have to actually watch this episode. I’ll be counting on my Hopper record it for me, since I work late nights at DISH and miss all my shows. It’ll be nice to come home to an extra dose of Stephen Colbert that day.

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