Charlie Sheen Dumped By Goddess via Text Message…All Love is Dead

And this is how we all know that love is completely dead…Charlie Sheen’s Goddess has left him!!!

On Saturday night, on the last leg of his live ‘Torpedo of Truth’ tour in Fort Lauderdale, Sheen revealed that porn star Bree Olson dumped him via text message.

According to RadarOnline, during a Q&A segment, an audience member asked Sheen how he and his two “goddesses” were doing. The actor replied, “Not well, because one left.”

In the words of Darth Vader,


So now, Sheen is down to monogamy for the time being, AND had to offer FREE tickets to his Fort Lauderdale show on his Twitter to get people to come…does this mean that Sheen’s time in the clouds is finally coming to an end…?  How much longer could he last?  Let us know what you think!

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