New Details About Sean Kingston Jet Ski Accident.

Chilling new details are emerging about the jet ski crash that left the 21 year old singer and his female friend in the hospital.

Chilling new details are emerging about the jet ski crash that left the 21 year old singer and his female friend in the hospital.

According to TMZ, Kingston’s longtime friend Cassandra Sanchez was with him and is revealing more about the accident. Sanchez describes how she, Sean, and some other friends were leaving the dock to have fun on the water, but things went wrong quickly.

She says:

“Both jet skis pulled out of the dock at the same time and we were going so fast we just blasted past them…When we turned a corner and crashed … they were so far behind us they didn’t even see us crash.”

The couple was speeding towards a bridge with low clearance. Sanchez screamed to Kingston:

“We can’t fit under there! Are we going to try and go under there? Sean stop!”

A local Coast Guard officer said Kingston was responsive after the crash, but was convulsing and throwing up blood.  He is expected to be in the hospital for several more weeks.

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