The “HoneyBadger” Guy Does A Hysterical JEM Commercial.

It doesn't matter if you don't know who the honeybadger guy is, this will still be funny.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know who the honeybadger guy is, this will still be funny. Anyway, he’s a guy who voices over existing video in a hysterical way. He became instantly infamous with his expletive-sprinkled, hilarious narration over a National Geographic segment about a honey badger. You can watch that one HERE.

Now The HUB has apparently hired him to do a commercial for the 80’s cartoon series JEM and The Holograms, which you may know nothing about. JEM had the ability to change her form by touching her earring. It doesn’t have to make sense. It’s a cartoon. She also was in a rock band and had some enemies who were in a rival rock band. I already told you, it doesn’t have to make sense.

Ugh, this is exhausting. Watch this video which promotes the series coming back on the air in reruns. All this doesn’t matter. Just play the video and enjoy.

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