VIDEO: Obama Impersonator Pulled Offstage During Republican Conference.

A Barack Obama impersonator (Reggie Brown) was invited to speak at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans. When he started talking about the GOP Presidential Candidates, the crowd lost their sense of humor.

A Barack Obama impersonator (Reggie Brown) was invited to speak at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans. The resemblance in looks and mannerisms is pretty uncanny. The audience seemed to lap it all up – until he started to go through the Republican Candidates for the Presidency, making jokes about Mitt Romney, Michele Bachman, and Newt Gingrich. (This starts around 15:12.) (Mind you, the organizers didn’t seem to take issue with both gay and racially themed earlier in the set.) The joke “What can I say about Michele Bachman that she hasn’t already said about herself…” was met with silence. Seconds later, (at 18:19 on the clip below) they brought his microphone down, and he was discreetly asked to leave the podium. Take a joke much?

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