Why Tobey Maguire Being Great At Poker Is Getting Him Sued.

It's not Tobey McGuire's fault he's good at poker. So why is he being sued for his winnings? Here's the deal...

It’s not Tobey McGuire’s fault he’s good at poker. So why is he being sued for his winnings?

The actor was part of high-end game of poker that brought in the likes of Leo DiCaprio and Matt Damon… And Maguire was good. Good enough to rake in $311,000 dollars!

Problem is, the ‘bankroll’ came from money that was tied up in a Ponzi scheme, (compliments of Bradley Ruderman, who is now serving 10 years in prison) and a bankruptcy trustee is doing everything he can to get the losses back – including suing those who won at the Poker Tournament. Ruderman lost roughly $5 million plus of investors’ money during frequent high stakes poker games At the Four Seasons and Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills.

Oddly enough, the games also reportedly included massages. Weird.

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