VIDEO:Anderson Cooper Nearly Pees Himself When He Talks About Gerard Depardieu Peeing On A Plane

Anderson Cooper is proving to be a clever, modern day Andy Rooney with his "Ridiculist" segment on CNN. But aside from smart witticisms, nothing pleases me more than seeing someone nearly pee their pants with laughter.

Anderson Cooper is proving to be a clever, modern day Andy Rooney with his “Ridiculist” segment on CNN. But aside from smart witticisms, nothing pleases me more than seeing someone nearly pee their pants with laughter. (I’m known to come close at least once a day…. I’m talking about the laughter part, not the peeing part… yes, that’s right, the laughter part.)

It’s fitting that Cooper couldn’t contain himself when talking about the recent, bizarre story of actor Gerard Depardieu – who, after being told that he could not use an airplane bathroom until after takeoff, decided to go ahead and just pee on the floor. Rrrrreally? yes, really. So here is Anderson’s commentary, complete with giggle fit.

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  • …my day is not really complete without a good laugh….this clip probably took care of me for a couple days…it is hilarious….It was fun to watch…

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