HYSTERICAL NATURE VIDEO: Penguin Turns To Life of Crime.

As male penguins build a nest to attract a female, some penguins, too lazy to do the work, steal from others. Watch as this one guy hobbles back and forth from his neighbor's den, as the other penguin seems completely oblivious, going and finding stones to add to his pile - only to have them taken away each time.

In the upcoming BBC One nature series Frozen Planet, an adorably hysterical scene is captured. As male penguins build a nest to attract a female, some penguins, too lazy to do the work, steal from others. Watch as this one guy hobbles back and forth from his neighbor’s den, as the other penguin seems completely oblivious, going and finding stones to add to his pile – only to have them taken away each time. Very funny!

For more funny animal videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter or visit POPgoesTheWeek’s POP GOES WILD section!


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