WATCH: The Golden Girls Pretty Much Summed Up Marriage Equality Back In 1991

As the Supreme Court discusses whether or not it's fair that everyone can express their love legally, it's interesting to note that this scene from The Golden Girls pretty much summed up the argument in favor of equality more than twenty years ago. Picture it: Miami..

Golden Girls Marriage EqualityAs the Supreme Court discusses whether or not it’s fair that everyone can express their love legally, it’s interesting to note that this scene from The Golden Girls pretty much summed up the argument in favor of equality more than twenty years ago.

Picture it: Miami (or Hollywood, depending on your perspective) – It’s season four of the Golden Girls, and Blanche (Rue McClanahan) is upset that her gay brother Clayton wants to have a commitment ceremony with his partner. Leave it to Sophia (Estelle Getty) to set the record straight. (truly no pun intended.)

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