
Parallax Story Post

Allin adipiscing elit. Nunc nisl nibh, dapibus eu tempor ut, efficitur id nisi. Nam ornare magna sed mi mattis, sit amet molestie neque ultrices. Maecenas...

Featured Image Slideshow

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pulvinar, felis sit amet consequat malesuada, enim nunc ultrices dui, in fermentum nunc risus nec tortor. Sed et ligula at...

Recipe Post Unique Fonts

Quisque ex sapien, pharetra congue sapien id, ullamcorper eleifend ex. Aenean id tellus varius, cursus dolor nec, convallis tortor. Sed quis felis et orci...

Review Half Width

Sed condimentum purus ut nibh laoreet, ut mattis magna ultrices. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce non turpis maximus, posuere neque aliquam, tempor lorem. Vestibulum sagittis...

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Photographer’s Up Close, Scary Encounter With Polar Bear

Even though Photographer Gordon Buchanan is in a protective box, it's no less scary when a massive polar bear smells his scent and shakes, growls and bares his teeth at his potential meal. Suddenly this protective barrier doesn't feel so protective. The bear went on trying to get at Buchanan for 45 minutes. Watch the video here.

HYSTERICAL NATURE VIDEO: Penguin Turns To Life of Crime.

As male penguins build a nest to attract a female, some penguins, too lazy to do the work, steal from others. Watch as this one guy hobbles back and forth from his neighbor's den, as the other penguin seems completely oblivious, going and finding stones to add to his pile - only to have them taken away each time.