Who Tops The List Of Overpaid Actors?

Some very familiar faces top Forbes' new list of the most overpaid actors of the year.

Are these actors worth their salaries? Some more than others…

Some very familiar faces top Forbes’ new list of the most overpaid actors of the year.

Forbes Magazine looked at all the films the actors starred in over the last three years, eliminating animated films. They calculated the salaries of each, plus other residuals, and then compared it to the actual revenues from each film, to determine the studio’s return on their investment.

According to Forbes, Drew Barrymore takes the unfortunate top slot on the list. F0r every $1 Barrymore is paid, her films return an average 40 cents.

Eddie Murphy ended up being the second most overpaid star in Hollywood

Says Forbes: “For every $1 Murphy was paid in salary we found that his recent films have returned an average $2.70. To put that in perspective, Nicole Kidman, who ranks 10th on our overpaid list, returns $6.70 for every buck she is paid.”

Third? Will Ferrell. For every $1 Ferrell is paid, his films return an average $3.50.

Fourth, Reese Witherspoon: For every $1 Witherspoon is paid, her films return an average $3.55.

Fifth, Denzel Washington: For every $1 Washington is paid, his films return an average $4.25.

Where do Adam Sander, Nic Cage, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise fall? Check out the full list!

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