THE HANGOVER 3 Will Start Shooting This Summer, Everyone Gets a Raise!

It's official: THE HANGOVER PART 3 is coming.

It’s official: THE HANGOVER PART 3 is coming.

According to Worst Previews, Warner Bros has greenlit THE HANGOVER 3 and expects to begin shooting this summer.

So how much will each returning party get for the third part of this huge franchise?  Sources say that each actor is asking for $15 million, a huge raise from the $1 million that each actor received for the original, and $5 million (plus back end) they got for the sequel.   It shouldn’t be any skin off Warner Bros’ back, however, since the first two HANGOVER films grossed $467 million and $581 million respectively.

In an interview last year, Bradley Cooper said that THE HANGOVER 3 will not follow the same structure as the first two, and instead branch out into a new crazy adventure.  The release is set for Memorial Day, 2013.

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