Josh Duhamel Says No One is Coming Back for TRANSFORMERS 4

TRANSFORMERS fans, you may have your director, but kiss the actors goodbye!

TRANSFORMERS fans, you may have your director, but kiss the actors goodbye!

While Michael Bay has officially signed on for TRANSFORMERS 4 (an apparent compromise made so he could direct his passion project PAIN AND GAIN), it seems like not one of original cast members will be returning.

In a new interview with E! Online, Josh Duhamel says that he doesn’t think anybody, including himself, will be back for a forth entry:

“I don’t think anybody’s doing it…I know Shia [LaBoeuf]’s not doing it. I don’t think Tyrese or Rosie [Huntington-Whiteley] or anybody else is doing it.”

But that doesn’t mean that Duhamel is surprised that the franchise is continuing.

“Whenever these movies make that much money they’re going to make as many as they can…[But] I haven’t heard anything about it. They haven’t called me.”

Producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura recently told MTV News that TRANSFORMERS creative team plans to reboot the series with a brand new storyline, but Optimus and Bumblebee will likely be back. It’s expected to hit theaters in June 2014.

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