BILL AND TED 3 Has a Complete Script! And They Love It!

A few months ago, it was being reported that a third BILL AND TED adventure may actually exist in our lifetime. Now, we are one step closer to that reality!

A few months ago, it was being reported that a third BILL AND TED adventure may actually exist in our lifetime.  Now, we are one step closer to that reality!

Not much is known, but in a new interview with The Independent, Keanu Reeves said about the project:

“Yeah, we have a script. We’re trying to put it together. It’s a good script too.”

Following soon after was a post on Twitter from Alex Winter, saying:

“Script done? Check. -We love it? Check. -Green light? Working on it!”

It’s one thing to hear about a project from someone who isn’t really around anymore, a la Tom Arnold for TRUE LIES, or anybody for another POLICE ACADEMY.  But to hear that Keanu Reeves actually likes the script and would want to do it? That’s pretty cool…

In the meantime, enjoy the clip below.  I’ll never play Battleship the same way again…


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