Arnold Schwarzenegger Speaks Out on TWINS Sequel, TRIPLETS

Last week, we reported that after months of speculation, a TWINS sequel is actually going to happen! Both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are in talks to return, along with Eddie Murphy as the long lost third brother!

Last week, we reported that after months of speculation, a TWINS sequel is actually going to happen!   Both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are in talks to return, along with Eddie Murphy as the long lost third brother!

And now, we have the first official comments from Arnold, himself!  ComingSoon caught up with the Governator, who confirmed the casting and said that he can already picture the advertising:

“I can see the poster…A billboard with us three. ‘They found another one!’ ‘Triplets!’ ‘Only their mother can tell them apart!’ I would do that in two seconds, because that’s real entertainment. You come out with that movie for Christmas, like December 5th or something like that, and you’re home free.”

For anybody who is saying that having a third, black, brother, would be too ridiculous, Arnold says not to worry:

“…people would say, ‘How does that happen, medically speaking?’ and, ‘Physically, there’s no way!’ Then, somehow, we would explain it. That would be hilarious.”

So the question is, are you looking forward to a TWINS sequel, or do you think it’s too late for such a return?

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