Amy Winehouse’s Father Weighs In On Rumors Lady Gaga Will Play His Daughter On Film.

Recently the rumor mill started working overtime, and the idea got out there that Lady Gaga would portray embatted late singer Amy Winehouse on film. And even though the rumors are apparently just that - rumors - Amy's father has something to say about it.

Recently the rumor mill started working overtime, and the idea got out there that Lady Gaga would portray embatted late singer Amy Winehouse on film. And even though the rumors are apparently just that – rumors – Amy’s father has something to say about it.

Mitch Winehouse had apparently given his stamp of approval on the casting… (or did he? read on..)

 “I have heard that Lady Gaga is keen to play Amy in a film,” it was reported in U.K.’s Mirror. “I don’t know what her English accent is like but it’s not just an English accent she would have to perfect—it’s an English-Cockney-Jewish accent so she better start practicing now. But she would be great.”

But according to E! Mitch never said these things… and clarified on Twitter:

“I never said Lady Gaga will play Amy in film.”

Then, London’s Daily Mail spoke him and he told the paper that his daughter’s story “will never be told in film …  It would hardly be a biopic without the music and we’d never allow the songs to be released.”

Yeesh. That’s a little harsh. If I were him I would caveat that statement with the words “at this moment.” Think of all the songs from bands you never thought you’d hear in a commercial or a movie, and then, decades later, there they are. Time has a way of changing things. There may come a day when you would like to see her honored in a biopic… or, simply, there may come a time when you need the money.

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