Peter Jackson Responds to Negative Criticism About THE HOBBIT Frame Rate

Peter Jackson's new LORD OF THE RINGS entry is causing some major controversy, and now the director is firing back at his critics.

Peter Jackson’s new LORD OF THE RINGS entry is causing some major controversy, and now the director is firing back at his critics.

During CinemaCon, Jackson screened ten minutes from THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY.  The film was shot and projected at 48 frames per second, double the industry standard speed of 24fps.

While the goal was to offer a clearer image and 3D experience, critics called the footage “strange” and “jarring,” with Gizmodo even comparing it to a soap opera:

“It was too accurate – too clear. Higher frame rates are used for things like home video, soap operas, and reality TV.” 

Jackson has fired back against his critics, saying they have to get used to change:

“Nobody is going to stop. This technology is going to keep evolving. At first it’s unusual because you’ve never seen a movie like this before. It’s literally a new experience, but that doesn’t last the entire experience of the film. There can only ever be a real reaction, a truthful reaction when people actually have a chance to see a complete narrative on a particular film.”

All I want to know is if viewers are jarred by Jackson’s 48 fps, what are they going to say about AVATAR 2, which James Cameron is planning to shoot using 60fps?

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