PICTURE: Amanda Bynes Arrested for DUI! And We Have the Mugshot!

Here's a little tip for you...if you drink and drive, try not to hit a cop car. Amanda Bynes evidently did not get that note.

Here’s a little tip for you…if you drink and drive, try not to hit a cop car.  Amanda Bynes evidently did not get that note.

TMZ is reporting that Bynes was arrested early this morning on a misdemeanor DUI charge after doing just that.  A black and white cop car was preparing to turn right in West Hollywood at approximately 3 a.m. when Bynes, driving a black BMW, allegedly tried to pass and collided with the right rear panel of the cruiser.

The incident only caused minor paint damage to both vehicles, but the officer suspected the 26-year-old actress of drinking, and arrested her.

Bynes was booked at the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station with bail set at $5,000.  At about 1:30PM EST, she was released.

This isn’t the first time Bynes has been in trouble with the law.  She was pulled over by cops on March 7 for allegedly talking on her cell phone, and then allegedly drove away before the deputy could finish writing the ticket. Later that day, ironically enough, she returned to the police station to sign her ticket.

Remember Nickelodeon’s version of SNL, “All That”?  An entire generation of kids who grew up watching that show just simultaneously laughed out loud, because THIS is the girl we remember:


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