Rudy Guiliani Hopes Lindsay Lohan Will “Get control over whatever her inner problems are.”

The former mayor has little to say about Amanda Bynes, but a lot to say about Lindsay Lohan!

Rudy Guiliani Carey Reilly

I’ll say it: I love Rudy Giuliani. I remember him as the incredible Mayor of NYC that turned Times Square from hookers and Johns into all things Disney. I have to tell you: I was so excited when I was given the chance to meet the former Mayor at the very swanky THE MODERN restaurant in NYC.

He was there  to chat about his new partnership with LifeLock, an Identity Theft Protection Agency.

I was there to eat an amazing three course lunch.

Okay not entirely… Years ago I was actually a victim of identity theft so  I could see the value – and who knows if the membership came with a box of doughnuts I just might sign up!

After lunch I had a moment to interview the former Mayor and I wanted to ask him the hard hitting questions that we all want answers to.

My first: “Do you have any advice for Amanda Bynes?”

(In all honesty, as the words were coming out of my mouth I was thinking, I can’t believe I am asking the man who held up the world on 9/11 what he thinks of Amanda Bynes and her mental state. Am I crazy?)

The former Mayor stared at me blankly.

I thought for a split second, “Oh boy, did I just offend him? Why is he not answering me?”

Then I remembered this man is my mother’s age and ran for President.. maybe he doesn’t know who she is?
No,” he answered.”Do you know who she is? I asked him.

I sighed with relief. Next question. Time to get serious.

“Well then, do you have any advice for Lindsay Lohan?” (In my world Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan are the same train wreck – they’re just wearing different wigs.)

Come to find out not, only does he know who Lindsay Lohan is, but he’s really rooting for her!

“I’ve met Lindsey once or twice,” says Giuliani. “I feel very bad for Lindsey when I see what’s happened. Because I, realize how complicated things can be for young people. And I just hope like others have that she can put her life back together. I am a big believer in redemption and reformation and that people can do that,,, maybe as a prosecutor for so many years I see people that I prosecuted who wanted to straighten themselves out, who have a really good hearts. And so I really hope for her that she’ll get control over whatever her inner problems are. The woman is such a talented woman, she’s such a beautiful woman. So you just hope that she just gets control of these problems.”

If Giuliani can turn Times Square around, then there’s definitely hope for Lohan!

For more of my hard hitting interviews follow me on twitter!

Needless to say, I hadn’t planned on ambushing Giuliani with these tough topics, so we didn’t have a full on camera crew ready… but just for the record, he’s some iPhone video of the moment! The sound isn’t great, but you can see my story checks out!!


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