VIDEO: Keith Olbermann Describes Himself As A “10 Million Dollar Chandelier” To Letterman.

The name calling and finger pointing continues since Keith Olbermann was fired from Current TV. On Letterman, pulled out a classic breakup apology: the 'I'm sorry you're so awful and beneath me' one.

The name calling and finger pointing continues since Keith Olbermann was fired from Current TV. On David Letterman, Olbermann pulled out a classic breakup apology: the ‘I’m sorry you’re so awful and beneath me’ apology, taking the blame for thinking too highly of the network. Here’s part of what he said:


“It’s my fault that it didn’t succeed in the sense that I didn’t think the whole thing through. I didn’t say, ‘You know, if you buy a $10 million chandelier, you should have a house to put it in. Just walking around with a $10 million chandelier isn’t going to do anybody a lot of good, and it’s not going to do any good to the chandelier.”

With his classically dry humor, (and perhaps to clear it all up,) Letterman calmly asked:  “You’re the chandelier?”

I find the whole situation unfortunate all around. I’m really grateful to Keith Olbermann and his former MSNBC team for jumpstarting my on-camera career when they had me on as a roving correspondent during the political conventions. Now I wish everyone could go back into their corners and stop fighting in public!

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