Tony Scott’s Suicide Note Does Not Reveal Any Motive/Reason For His Death

After hoping that we'd get more answers with a single piece of paper, we are left with only questions...

After hoping that we’d get more answers with a single piece of paper, we are left with only questions…

TMZ is reporting that the suicide note left by director Tony Scott did not offer any explanation as to why he decided to take his own life.

Sources for the site say that the note was “short and sweet,” with the director saying that he loved his wife and his 2 sons, Max and Frank.

Scott’s wife has told investigators that the director did not have brain cancer or any other significant medical problems, as previously reported.

DISTURBING: Tony Scott Death Video Being Shopped Around

BREAKING UPDATE: Director Tony Scott Dead of Apparent Suicide, Was Suffering From Brain Cancer?

Tony Scott Did NOT Have Brain Cancer?

Director Tony Scott Has Been Cremated