FUNNY VIDEO: Amy Poehler Plays Karaoke Roulette On Ellen.

The trick to Karaoke roulette is, you don't get the lyrics... (and in this case, even know the song title.) Throw Ellen DeGeneres and Amy Poehler into the mix, and you've got hilarity. Watch her butcher Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" in the best possible way.


The trick to Karaoke roulette is, you don’t get the lyrics… (and in this case, even know the song title.) Throw Ellen DeGeneres and Amy Poehler into the mix, and you’ve got hilarity. Watch Poehler butcher Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” in the best possible way.

PS – Is Amy Poehler on an awesomeness tour? Every time I see her I love her that much more.

For more funny videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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