TRAILER: A CHRISTMAS STORY 2 Gets A Trailer, And It Actually Looks Kinda Cute!

While it's almost sacrilegious to make a sequel to such a classic (especially one almost three decades later), the new trailer for A CHRISTMAS STORY 2 (toted as "the official sequel) is actually pretty cute.

Every Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, there is always one television on in my house playing the 24-hour A CHRISTMAS STORY marathon.  It’s almost impossible not to be caught up in all the classic moments, from the Triple Dog Dare to Randy not being able to put his arms down. (“I can’t put my arrrrmmmms downnn!”)

Granted, while it’s almost sacrilegious to make a sequel to such a classic (especially one almost three decades later), the new trailer for A CHRISTMAS STORY 2 (toted as “the official sequel) is actually pretty cute.

Now, bear with me…I’m not saying to run out and buy it, but at least take a look at the trailer.  At least it looks like the group tried to do the first film justice…

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