POP SNAPSHOT: I Got Snapped By A Paparazzo And They Didn’t Delete The Photo!

I always assume a paparazzi photographer that takes a picture of me will immediately realize that no one wants the photo and that they'll immediately delete it. Not only did this man not delete it - he also uncovered my compulsive snacking problem.

I always assume a paparazzi photographer that takes a picture of me will immediately realize that no one wants the photo and that they’ll immediately delete it. Not only did this man not delete it – he also uncovered my compulsive snacking problem!

Here’s the backstory: Quite often, outside television studios, a photographer will be outside taking photos of the guests who come out to get into their car. This past Monday, that very thing happened while I was exiting the studios after my appearance on The Wendy Williams Show.

A photographer (and very nice guy) by the name of Blayze (Follow him on twitter!) asked to take some photos. Of course, I obliged, as it’s not often that I get asked such a question, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit it was a ego boost after a long week of being displaced by Hurricane Sandy.

Again, I always assume that once the photographer gets home, they’ll abruptly delete that photo of me. I mean, who can’t use the hard-drive space?

Surprisingly I got a tweet from Blaze later in the week, and the photo is here.

As you can see, unlike many folks who get snapped, I am carrying a bag of popcorn I scarfed from the green room, and a package of Tic Tacs. A closer look at my face, and you can see I’m clearly sloshing around those aforementioned Tic-Tacs inside my big mouth. (Evidence that I clearly love free snacks, and minty fresh breath.) While most people don’t like being immortalized with their mouths full, I will tell you, in my case, it’s an exciting thing for me to see. In my head, I’m still the twelve year old version of myself who always wanted to be on TV. That I’m actually invited to DO that once in a while is something I never take for granted. So a photo like this is a reminder to be grateful and excited about things.

And so, since this website has become a compendium of pop culture AND my personal scrapbook of sorts, I thought I’d share the picture with you, and my story. Mouthful or not, it was fun and exciting to be captured like the celebrities I often cover online and on TV.

So for that, THANKS Mr. Blayze!

For more pop culture updates, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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