Renee Zellweger Oscars Presentation…Something to it, or Much Ado About Nothing?

The internet took notice when Renee Zellweger reunited with the cast of Chicago to present the nominees for Best Original Song during the Academy Awards, claiming she looked disoriented or drunk. But is this much ado about nothing? Watch these clips and judge for yourself. (But do it fast, I'm guessing they will be forced down before too long.)

Renee ZellweggerThe internet took notice when Renee Zellweger reunited with the cast of Chicago to present the nominees for Best Original Song during the Academy Awards, claiming she looked disoriented or drunk. But is this much ado about nothing? Watch these clips, divided into two parts, downloaded by a YouTube user, and judge for yourself. (But do it fast, I’m guessing they will be forced down before too long.)

Indeed, the actress did seem to bob and weave a bit, and seemed to struggle when Richard Gere asked her to read who the winner was.  But is this just stretching for something to talk about on a night that pretty much went off without a hitch? (With the exception of the length of the show, but that’s nothing new.)



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