UPDATE: Veronica Mars Hits Its Kickstarter Goal, Filming On Movie To Begin This Summer!

It has been less than 24 hours since the VERONICA MARS Kickstarter began, and already Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell have met their goal of $2 Million!

veronica-mars-movie-kickstarter-kristen-bell_article_story_mainUPDATE: It has been less than 24 hours since the VERONICA MARS Kickstarter began, and already Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell have met their goal of $2 Million!  A VERONICA MARS movie is coming!!!!

Now only time will tell how much more Thomas and co. will make over the next 30 days to add to their budget….


“Veronica Mars” fans get ready…a movie may actually be coming your way very, very soon, all courtesy of KickStarter!

Within just the a few hours of appearing online, the official Veronica Mars Kickstarter has already taken in more than half of its $2 million goal (the largest goal in the site’s history). 

The page was officially started earlier today by series creator Rob Thomas, who describes the fundraising as “our one shot to see a Veronica Mars movie happen,” and continuing with, “Kristen is in. I’m in. Let’s do it!” 

Fans will not be leaving the internet world empty handed, however.  Depending on how much they donate, they could be going home with gifts ranging from a digital copy of the film and personalized voicemails from the cast all the way to tickets to the LA premiere and a speaking role! 

Check out the official promo video, which includes appearances by Bell, Thomas the cast, below. If funded by April 12 (which seems more than easy, as we’re more than halfway there in less than 24 hours), the movie will shoot this summer!


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