QUESTION: Which Film Are You More Excited To See, ‘Toy Story 4’ Or ‘Pokémon: Detective Pikachu’?

November 12th will go down in history as the date that sparked a brutal rivalry between two powerhouse franchises…

Or at least as the date that brought about this fun conversation starter!

On Monday, November 12th, trailers were released for both Toy Story 4 and Pokemon: Detective Pikachu. Both of these films come highly anticipated and are targeted at the same audience. The original Toy Story was released in 1995 and Pokémon hit television screens in 1997 so primary audiences will be derived from the same age demographic. With that in mind, which is the film to get more excited for?

Well according to YouTube, Pokémon: Detective Pikachu has the most buzz…ironic, isn’t it? The trailer for Toy Story 4 has garnered over 8.3 million views and is trending at #6. Pokémon: Detective Pikachu has over 26 million views and is trending at #3! 

Which am I excited for most?

Numbers don’t lie, I’m voting with the majority on this one! I have been a fan of the Pokémon franchise since I was 9 years old. Back then I had a big imagination and a bigger waistline, so needless to say I didn’t have a ton of friends.  I spent a lot of my childhood wishing Pokémon would become real. This film has been 20 years in the making! I already got my closure with the toys when Andy went to college. I will happily go see Toy Story 4 but I thought the third installment ended so perfectly. I am interested to see where the plot goes next so there is some excitement but nothing can compete with a talking Pikachu!

What do you think? Which film are you most excited to see?

Click below to see the trailer for each film so you can make an informed decision!

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